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Thanks for Visiting my page I  am deeply honoured. 

My name is Joseph Koranteng and my passion is capturing beautiful moments between couples and families through a lens. I am based  in Cambridgeshire County to be precise Peterborough which gives greater access to the big cities- No place I 'd rather be. 

When I m not shooting I spend time using the local gym when its not busy and bird watching when its not freezing .

So why Wedding and Portraiture Photography ; how do I explain it without being long -

  • I get to unleash my  creativity

  • Enjoy meeting interesting people

  • I 'll never get bored

  • Most of the time, I’ll be working with very happy people.

Over the years I have met very interesting and unique people which otherwise I will not get the opportunity to meet. I am naturally active usually bouncing off  the walls after chewing Rowntree randoms /Haribo Maoam (my favs) so talking about  fun and creating happy memories - you'll never run dry. My skillset is constantly expanding and adapting to what my clients want rather than what I want (Typical of a DJ to be playing music they enjoy rather than the audience)


Kindly have a look at my Clients page to check my capabilities and how I can help you make the day a precious memory. Would love to hear from you !


© 2022 JK INC 

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